Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Today's Educational Climate

Due to what is happening around the world, I thought this would be a great time to find an article that discusses different learning and educational classes to do from home.  As many of us are teachers, we are panicking a little that we are missing a ton of instructional time with our students.  I can't even begin to imagine how ELL teachers are feeling with all the progress they were making throughout the school year and now it has all come to a sudden halt.  Hopefully, with what I suggest within this entry and the article I found, it will help create a learning environment at home.

One of the great suggestions the article made was to make sure there is storytime at home.  During this time the students could continue to work on their English skills by reading to themselves or out loud.  Of course, the educator would have to make sure the student has the appropriate level of books, but the more they read and practice the better they will become.  Then, as they improve they can work on harder books.

Another wonderful suggestion that the article made was to have the students have drawing classes at home.  By doing this the students could identify different words with pictures and/or they can draw how they are feeling at that moment.  After they draw their emotions then they could put in words how they are feeling and what the picture is depicting.  This could be beneficial for communication purposes.

Music is also another great form of communication.  ELL students can learn more about the English language through the art of music and song.  Singing does not only help soothe the soul but can be used to help ELL students learn English words.  Assignments could be made for students to work on translating songs from their language to the English language.

Finally, students could use technology at home to help learn the English Language.  The article states the use of Duolingo to help learn the second language.  Duolingo is an awesome app to use as it works at the user's pace and is fun and colorful for the student to actively learn the English Language.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rob!

    Thank you for sharing the information. I struggled to find anything that was related to ELs with the coronavirus. I especially like what you said about using song. I think I may start to share a song a day with my students, and see if I get any feedback from them!

    Would you mind sharing the link of the article that you are referring to?

    Thank you,
